Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What type of City government is used for my local government?

Access Class blog
Use web sites to research my local government-- if your city is small information may be difficult but usually not impossible-- You may chose another larger city near where you live.

Create a power point with
1-- Positions (mayor,city council members, city managers, police chiefs, fire chefs, ect)
2-Buildings (pictures, addresses)
3-Save to flash drive

Monday, August 30, 2010

What type of City government is used for my local government?

Access Class blog

Use web sites to research my local government-- if your city is small information may be difficult but usually not impossible-- You may chose another larger city near where you live.

Create a power point with
1-- Positions (mayor,city council members, city managers, police chiefs, fire chefs, ect)
2-Buildings (pictures, addresses)
3-Save to flash drive

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Can I sell my kidney's? or Is it really worth a arm and a leg?

1-Access Class BLOG

2-student will use Web sites to respond in essay form

3-Listen to 15 /20 min of Podcast --BODIES FOR SALE

(Does US Law satisfy Supreme Court Justice John Marshall-"nose test?)

4- Respond in Essay address to

Demand/ rights/ problems

5- When comment is posted—respond to 3 other’s comments

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How do I create a advertisement for community service?

1-Access Class BLOG

2-student will use Web sites to research a WV fair

WV Fairs & Festivals

3-Student will create a OFFICE brochure, or flyer that uses 3 advertising strategies

4- The flier will also include dates, pricing,schedules,activities,music
5-Student will save to class Flash drive

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What does it take to be a Billionaire and who are five who belong to the club?

Use BILLIONAIRES Web site to respond to the following questions in essay form.

WRITE in WORD, then Post to comments & your BLOG

1- Who are 5 billionaires from the Forbes list

2-Post a comment (Your first name only at top)to my BLOG in essay form (at least one female and one person under 40) and tell their ages, where they are from, and what they did to make their $$$$ money?


When Complete you can discover additional stuff about Billionaires or check out the below sites




WV Metro News

new game