Friday, November 19, 2010

How do I use place marks? Tuesday Classwork

1- Open Google Earth

2- Find following places-Mountwood Park,Sinks of Gandy, Seneca Rocks, Dick Proenike-Twin Lakes Cabin,Wheeling Island, Ayers Rock, Blennerhassett Island

3- Use a PLACE MARK for each locations

4-Open WORD document & save a street view picture of each place

5- Use RULER then PATH and measure in miles from Wheeling Island to Blennerhassett Island as a boat would travel and put on WORD

6-Copy and Post to comments

What is plagiarism? Monday Classwork

1- Use GOOGLE an provide definitions and examples of the following words;
plagiarism, Common knowledge
2-Write responses in WORD and post to Comments
3- Open Plagiarism Test in new window , then click on Plagiarism in FLASH
4- View Tutorial using buttons
5- Take Quiz -- IF UNSURE GO BACK TO TUTORIAL and find correct response

When complete FunBrain

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why do we need heroes and entertainment during War?

1- Access class BLOG

2- Visit each web site provided

3- Research web sites

4- Write a letter(in WORD) to Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta giving your feeling by comparing him to Harry Potter

5- Copy/paste to comments

6- Reply to a peer as if you were Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta


Salvatore Giunta


Medal Of Honor

Ticket for Sale

Harry Potter


Monday, November 15, 2010

How would I show appreciation for a veteran killed in service?

Grafton WV National Cemetary

1- Access class BLOG

2- Visit each web site provided

3- Research web sites provided and select a person

4- Write a letter of appreciation to the family of the deceased serviceman—write on WORD and paste-- ( minimum 4 paragraphs)

5- Post letter to comments

6- Respond to pre-selected peer as you would imagine a family member of a hero who gave their all might do so


All Wars Medal of Honors

Medal Of Honors Cultural Library

VietNam "The Wall"

Enduring Freedom ( use the search of West Virginia or hometown)

Do a google search for additional info or your HERO


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How would I show appreciation for a veteran killed in service?

Grafton WV National Cemetary

1- Access class BLOG

2- Visit each web site provided

3- Research web sites provided and select a person

4- Write a letter of appreciation to the family of the deceased serviceman—write on WORD and paste-- ( minimum 4 paragraphs)

5- Post letter to comments

6- Respond to pre-selected peer as you would imagine a family member of a hero who gave their all might do so


All Wars Medal of Honors

Medal Of Honors Cultural Library

VietNam "The Wall"

Enduring Freedom ( use the search of West Virginia or hometown)

Do a google search for additional info or your HERO


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who won the big show?

1- Access class BLOG

2- Visit each web site provided

3- Research web sites provided and list 3 winners in each level of government

4- Label each winner as either legislative/executive/judicial

5- Use Election WORD form and save to flash drive


National Elections

State Elections

Local Election

Local News