Friday, December 17, 2010

What do I believe?

Access Blog--Follow Directions
1- Think back to projects
2- Pick a favorite part from one of your peer's project
3-Give very brief statement of your own
4- What do you believe??


  1. I believe in my mom and sisters. Because they always help me through the hard times and the good and they come and get me on every HV. They mean the most to me and I love them to death.!!
    and every hv we do things together and i enjoy it. if it wasn't for them i wouldn't be getting close to dischage.

    ashley jade<33.

  2. By:summer
    I believe in people.Beacuse if you don't believe in people.Then your going to be lost.if you don't believe in people then who will help you?who will be their if you need someone?Who will love and care about you?So I believe in people.Back then i didn't believe in people.Beacuse I got hurt soooo many times.but when i came to placement after placement.I started to believe in people beacuse not everyone is the same.But first you got to believe in yourself first.

  3. I really don't believe in a lot of things and the ones that I do believe in I don't want to share on this blog.

    That's my 3 paragraphs

  4. Something I believe in is God, and Family is the one thing that would get you through anything . God is the one person who has always been there for me. I have believed in God since I was 6, and he has helped me through everything, the good and the bad. Even though I have done things that I know do not please him I still love him. I believe in my family because they help me throught the thick and the thin.Even though they cant do everything like GOD I still believe in him. My family means a lot to me. Even though I don’t deserve a second chance They still let me into there house and took care of me. I know im not appreacitive enough for people like them. I believe that my family will always be there for me with God by there side.
    Emily Renee

  5. I believe that everyone should be treated fairly. if you dont treat people right then why should people think about wanting to treat you right or want to. you have to earn respect to get it you cant just walk around and expect people to do stuff for you and to respect you when you dont do nothing to help anyone you just treat them bad and want everyone to be stuck on you. I believe that you shouldnt be like that. ive meet alot of people in my life that was like that but you have to help them and show them whats right. people should treat everyone the same and not judge them bye their looks or colors everyones the same and none deserves to be judged or have some talk crap about them just because of how they live, dress, or how they act. none can help the way they are god created us how he wants us to be so everyone should love their selfs and just be thankful for what they do have because some poeple do not have alot of stuff or people that do care about them. I know im not perfect and I treat alot of people bad too but thats just the way I am and i try to change but sometimes its hard cause I get aggravated alot and get frustrated easy but I just try my best and respect people to the best of my ability but if you dont respect me the I deffinately wont respect you. sometimes I fill like everyone should be respected so sometimes people can cuss at me and be mean to me but i will always still have respect for them. I have learned alot from being here and Ive learned you should still respect people even if they are rude and disrespectful to you. Its like they say kill them with kindness and just let them be the way they are but you know deep inside that your a good person and have a big heart.

    KAYLA L.

  6. I believe
    I believe in god every night I pray. I think of how good it feels to have someone who cares and loves you so much and don’t want to let go of you. Because that’s how my faster family is still to this day December 12/17/10 I wish I could be there but I have to wait till Christmas visits. I can’t wait to go see my little sister and brother and my foster mom and dad. God helps me every day with my life he helps me get through the long days and nights. I’m so thankful for the foster family that wants me there and cares and loves me. I wish I could live with them forever but my real mom and dad wants me back and I would go their but I’m scared. I just I don’t know I love my real family so much but now that I told about my uncle I’m afraid that they don’t love me no more and they are probably mad at me. But I had to do what was best for me. To make me safe.
    By:jessica thats what i truly believe in..♥♥♥♥GOD♥♥♥

  7. I belive in god because he gave me 2 wonderful, beautiful , and caring friends named brit and kk.They have been there when I
    needed them to. He gave me a awesome group
    (my seneca sister ).


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