Wednesday, April 21, 2010

what rights, if any, do victims of crime have?

1-Access Class BLOG

2-student will use Web sites to respond in letter form

National Crime Victim's Rights Week


3-Review the 2 web sites about “Crime Victims Rights Week

4-Respond with letter to a WV US congressmen




** in comment to 3 following questions**

What rights do victims have?

What can the congressman do to help?

What can I do?
Charlene be sure to look for the good--so she knows how she should act


  1. Dear Rahall,
    Victems of crimes have very little rights. They have hardly any if any. Us as citizen can only do what right and pitition or go to the government its self. The only thing congressmen can do is the same but they probly have more influence.
    Britteny April 22, 2010

  2. Summer,
    What rights do victimes have?I think they have no sence of hurmer.In they need some work of being victimes.Beacuse they are no good.In they think they are cute of being victimes.But they are u-g-l-y-.What can the congressman?They can put them in jail,Or do something to help the victimes.What can I do? I could get on the something to find out who are victimes and write down the names and go in find them in talk and if they start doing something like hit me or something to hurt me them call the cops.In the cops don't come like right away them I will hit them or do something worst.And they need to stop being victimes.

  3. Charlene 4.21.10

    Dear Nick Rahall,
    Victims of crimes should have the right to sue the people or things that hurt them. As a U.S. citizen we should have this right.

  4. Dear Nick rahall,
    victums have the right to remain silent anything they say can and will be held agaist themm in a court of law. they have a right to an attorney if they cant afford one one will be appointed to them. But i don't think that they shoukld have any rights if they are over 21 because they done something to become a victum.
    I also think that congress men can help by making new up to date laws. Most of our laws are so old nobody really pays attention. So they should start re-writing them to make them newer.
    I could probably help by writing a letter and getting everyone else that thinks so to write one to. it would probably help alot more than not doing anything.

  5. ♥ASHLEY P

    January 2010 is National Stalking Awareness Month and OVW is proud to fund the Stalking Resource Center and the Stalking Awareness Month Resources website, in cooperation with National Center for Victims of Crime. The 2008 Stalking Victimization Report found that, during a 12 month period, an estimated 3.4 million persons age 18 or older were victims of stalking. Nearly 75 percent of victims knew their offender in some capacity. The report confirmed what we knew to be true: domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking crimes are not isolated from each other, but happen as part of a continuum in many victims’ lives. Please join OVW in raising awareness in your community and focusing attention on this serious and violent crime.
    ♥I looked up the one about a stalking crime. Domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and how much trouble you can get into if you get caught.In a 12 month period an they found out that 3.4 million people age's 18 or older were victims of stalking.It's really a sick thing and know one wants to go throgh it.Dating violence also, continues to be a priority for OVW.They also say that working together, we can reduce the incidence of sexual assault.
    love:)AsHlEy P
    i♥ya mr.g

  6. Dear Mr. Mollohan,

    It seems that these days many victims of crimes have very little rights if any. I mean these day 18 percent of women in this country are getting rapped, and they can do anything at all.


  7. Rights that victoms have are domestic violence and they have little rights some times they can get off the hook if they have a good enough judge or lawer. It also dipens on how how bad the crim was. The congressman can agree and diagree. I can write a letter.



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